Friday, December 19, 2008

CrystaLenz payment options

Have you looked on the CrytaLenz home page lately? you might have noticed that our credit card button has been removed. The credit card gateway company that we used informed us that they were increasing the base rate by $150 per year and possibly another $19 per month on top of that. Not only are the card companies raising consumer rates, they are raising the rates they charge companies.
We at CrystaLenz have decided to do our part to hold down costs, we said ENOUGH ALREADY!!
We are still taking credit cards you just click on the Google Buy Now button or the PayPal Button and enter your card info. The great thing about using Google or PayPal is that you don't even have to have an account with them and you are still covered against fraud and theft. Of course you can always mail us a check or money order those work just fine.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Customer Comments about CrystaLenz

After I restored my first set of headlight lenses I stood back and said "Wow I'm amazed, this stuff really works!" And even now after hundreds of headlight lens made clear I still find myself looking at the clear lenses, amazed at how well CrystaLenz works. So on this post I am going to share a couple of letters I received from very satisified customers. For more information on this great product check out the website
Enjoy Art

I just got finished using your product and I am simply AMAZED at the results!! Crystalenz has exceeded my expectations by far!! I will recommed this product with confidence to everyone who had the same headlights I did. I have a 03 jetta, NOTHING would take off the film, mequires plastic cleaner, mother plastic polish, NOTHING. Your Product took my headlights for crappy to bright and clear! THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS PRODUCT i am taken back at these results!

Joseph *****
spartanburg, sc

Hi Art,Sorry have not written sooner. Just been so busy here. But I did want to let you know that my headlights are fantastic!!!! Thank you so much.
I will for sure spread the news about your great product.
Also, you will be hearing from a Deanna, I told her about your product and how awesome it worked. She wanted your phone number and will be calling you to order some. She is from Missouri. Thanks again!Denise ****

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Not so Mellow Yellow

Here is a copy of a newspaper article that ran on Jan 5 2008 in the National papers.
It was written by Sharon Peters and was written without any input from Crystalenz. It feels good to get some Great press on a product that I know works really well.

Westerly Sun, The (RI)
January 5, 2008
Section: NewsPage: A16
Article Text:
I have a 1996 Toyota Avalon (best car I ever bought) and the headlight covers are turning yellow with age or sun. I've tried using regular car polish to take the yellow off. Is there any other product that will remove the yellow better?
A: Those covers are made not of glass but of poly substances that are then slathered with a protective coating. Over time, environmental factors, heat, sunlight, road chemicals and a lot of other things cause scratches and oxidation, and that's why you see a hazing, cloudy or yellowing effect.
There are several products on the market that promise to alleviate the problem. Most of them, in my experience, accomplish only a little, and all of them require quite a bit of work.
The one that has worked best for me is a product called Crystalenz. It involves a three-step process that the manufacturers say takes 15 minutes and, in fact, takes at least twice that. But the results are instant and obvious.
If you've got severely damaged finish on the cover, Crystalenz advises you to do a wet sanding process with micro-grain sandpaper, and they'll describe exactly how to do it if you call them (731.986.0664). Let me say that you must use extreme care and caution! if you go down that road. I'm no auto-body artisan, and I've never done the sanding routine (it's more than I want to get into most days), and non-car people I know who have attempted this have had results that run the gamut from nottoo- bad to fairly awful. But it must be acknowledged that all these friends of mine are impatient, instant-gratification people who tend to rush any process. If you're careful and patient you could get good results for just a couple of hours' work and $30 (versus $200 to $800 or so for replacements).
You also can speak with some detailers about having them do the job for you. I've heard really mixed reviews about the success rate here, however. Some shops have used power sanders (with something less than gentle-touch finesse) that, in fact, have made the situation even worse. But if you find an artist who loves this kind of challenge, you may very well get excellent results. Conversing in person with the owner/manager of the place will g! ive you a pretty good clue about just how seriously/carefully the job will be handled there.
But on the replacement front, you don't necessarily have to go the brand-new route for a vehicle that's nearly a decade old (and this cloudiness/yellowing occurs mostly on cars that are at least five years old). Increasingly, as people keep vehicles longer during this economic downturn, they're turning to eBay or junkyards to get replacement parts.
You (or others in the same situation) may or may not find an identical junkyard vehicle of the same age with considerably better headlight covers, and that's the rub. But the parts person at your local dealership should be able to tell you if the same design was used on subsequent years. If so, you can get a more recent model year and the light covers are likely to be in pretty good shape.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Tips on "How to clean your Headlight Lens"

How do you know if you need to wetsand your headlight lens? I get asked this question all the time. The answer is to look very closely at the surface of the lens, are there tiny cracks or scratches? If there is you need to "wetsand" your headlight.
Wetsanding is really no big deal. The Crystalenz Headlight Resotration kit comes complete with the proper grit sandpaper and instructions.